
Changelog for NodePing API


Added "Tags" feature to all check types. Field added: tags - optional array of strings

Added "IP Version" feature to the RBL check. Field added: ipv6 - RBL check documentation


Added "Ignore these response codes" feature to the SIP check. Field added: ignore - SIP check documentation


Added new TLS X.509 client certificate functionality to the HTTPADV check. Field added: clientcert - HTTP Advanced documentation


Added the new MONGODB check functionality and fields - MongoDB documentation


Added new fields for additional MYSQL check functionality. Fields are: port, username, password, secure, ipv6, database, query, fields - MySQL documentation


Added the new PGSQL check functionality and fields - PostgreSQL documentation


Added the new MTR check functionality and fields - MTR documentation


Added new values for 'transport' element to the SIP check for SIP over TLS and SIP over Websockets functionality.


Added the new REDIS check functionality and fields - Redis documentation


Added the 'sshkey' element to the SSH check for SSH Client Key functionality.


Added the 'notificationprofiles' endpoint for accessing the new Notification Profiles feature


Added the 'transport' element to the SIP check functionality to force using UDP or TCP - SIP check documentation


Added support for muting notifications on checks and contacts

  • mute - (on checks) optional boolean or millisecond timestamp - default is false. Set to true to mute all notifications for this check. Set to a millisecond timestamp (UTC) in the future to mute all notifications and have it automatically unmuted at that time.
  • mute - (on contact addresses) optional boolean or millisecond timestamp - default is false. Set to true to mute all notifications for this contact method. Set to a millisecond timestamp (UTC) in the future to mute all notifications for this contact method and have it automatically unmuted at that time.


Added support for new check features: automated diagnostics and sub-minute intervals.

  • autodiag - optional string, 'true' or 'false' defaults to 'false'. Set to 'true' to enable automated diagnostics for a check.
  • interval - optional positive integer or floats 0.5, 0.25 - defaults to 15 - How often this check runs in minutes. Can be any integer starting at 1 for one minute checks. Once a day is 1440. Sub-minute intervals (30 seconds and 15 seconds) are represented by 0.5 and 0.25 respectively. Additional fees may apply for sub-minute intervals. See your billing page for more info.

Added support for new account feature: automated diagnostics notifications.

  • autodiagnotifications - optional string - defaults to 'false'- set to 'true' to enable and 'false' to disable the account-wide configuration to send emails with the results of automated diagnostics to the email contact methods configured on the check to receive an immediate email.


Added the 'dnssection' element to the DNS check functionality to indicate which section of the DNS reply to look in for the 'contentstring' match. - DNS check documentation


Added the 'sendheaders' element to the HTTPPARSE check functionality - HTTP Parse documentation


Added the new DOHDOT check functionality and fields - DoH/DoT documentation


Added support for multiple check IDs and uptime in checks GET calls.

  • id - now supports multiple check IDs.
  • uptime - optional boolean that adds uptime data for the check.

Added events call to results end point.

Added offset parameter for uptime.

  • offset - optional integer offset for uptime data.


Added the 'servername' element for SSL checks. This element is available for PUT and POST calls.

  • servername - optional string to specify the FQDN sent to SNI services in the SSL check.


Small fix to uptime calculations to deal with some edge cases caused by rounding floating points.


Added the new diagnostics endpoint and functionality - Diagnostics documentation


Added the new AGENT check functionality - AGENT documentation


Added the maintenance endpoint and functionality - maintenance documentation


Added the 'regex' element to HTTP Content and HTTP Advanced checks.

  • regex - optional boolean/string to set whether the 'contentstring' element is a regular expression or just a string to be matched. Can be "true"/true/1 or "false"/false/0.


Added the 'verify' element to DNS checks.

  • verify - optional boolean/string to set whether or not to verify DNSSEC (DNS check type only). Can be "true"/true/1 or "false"/false/0.

Added new Spec10 checks (SPEC10DNS and SPEC10RDDS) and their fields.


Added a new supported DNS record type, SRV, to the existing 'dnstype' element:

  • dnstype - optional string for DNS checks to indicate the type of DNS entry to query - String set to one of: 'ANY', 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX, 'NS, 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT'.


Added a new optional element for the pushover contact method to support priorities:


Added two new optional elements for the AUDIO check to support the new volume detection feature:

  • verifyvolume - optional boolean to enable the volume detection feature - AUDIO check only.
  • volumemin - optional integer (acceptable range -90 to 0) used by the volume detection feature - AUDIO check only.

If you have any questions, get in touch at, or use our Contact form.